3 Best Spiritual Life Coaching Books

Here are my top three Spiritual Life Coaching books
There are books that tell us what to do and there are books that inspire us to take action. I want to give you some of the best tips on books that have inspired me to take action.
The first book that I read that really woke me up to my potential to live an inspired life was “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman. This book tells the tale of a young man who runs across an enlightened mystic, working in a garage as a mechanic. This supposedly humble work occupation disguised a remarkable being who had extraordinary abilities to be at one with all. In his case being at one with all also gave him the ability to develop extraordinary skills. He could bi-locate, that is be in two places at one time. He could sense the thoughts of others. He could heal and most of all, he could dispense wisdom at just the right time when the listener was available to hear.
The trails and trauma’s that the young man creates for himself are a really fun and engaging read. To quote from the book:
Way of the Peaceful Warrior is based on the story of Dan Millman, a world champion athlete, who journeys into realms of romance and magic, light and darkness, body, mind, and spirit. Guided by a powerful old warrior named Socrates and tempted by an elusive, playful woman named Joy, Dan is led toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. Readers join Dan as he learns to live as a peaceful warrior. This international bestseller conveys piercing truths and humorous wisdom, speaking directly to the universal quest for happiness.
This is a link to order the book from Amazon. Click here.
The second book I recommend is a very recent read. The Last Frontier by Julia Assante
This book deals with the whole topic of who we are as spiritual beings having a human experience. The author writes from such a deep understanding of the human condition and our human potential that the words resonate deeply, while opening doorways of understanding for the logical mind to grasp the immensity of the vision for humanity that she is presenting.
What she lays out in the book is our connection with the departed. Her research and experience shows that we are deeply connected with the departed and we can use that connection to create a whole new framework for living in this life right now. She breaks down her sharing into researched backed insights and also into anecdotal experiences from her extraordinary gifts of sight and sense with the departed.
She explains that the departed make their presence known to us often to help us understand how to live an even joyful life. One of her most telling stories for me was when she describes how a lady who had lived a very religious life but her version of that life was one of strictness, self punishment and severeness. When the lady died she visited the author, and was very angry. She now saw that her life had been based around a totally wrong understanding of life. She had missed the joy and love and had “swallowed the wrong pill” so to say. Spiritual Life Coaching is all about helping the student find the right pill, the pill that wakes up the taker to their highest potential.
In the forward Larry Dossey,MD says
“Throughout History, the fear of death has caused more suffering for human beings than all the physical disasters combined. You are holding in your hands the cure for this suffering. Some books transform lives. This one may transform a planet.”
Why this book is so relevant to spiritual life coaching is that it shows an extraordinary potential for the individual to live into.
The third book that I recommend is called “A thousand names for Joy” by Byron Katie.
This book takes teachings from the ancient Tao Ching, and breaks them into anecdotes on how they are experienced by Byron on a daily basis. This lovely book again creates so much inspiration to live with that perspective on life. She so sweetly describes her experiences with life, people, love, the moment, a cup of tea and her body.
I particularly love how she describes her body:
I am the body and I am not the body. I am surprised by its beauty and grace. I love the flow of the material that covers it. I am neither male nor female. I have breasts that entrance me with their form. My body will continue to shift and morph and I witness the shifts with amazement.
This is my paraphrase of her experience. I suggest you read her version in the book. Here is the description of the book;
In her first two books, Loving What Is and I Need Your Love–Is That True? Byron Katie showed how suffering can be ended by questioning the stressful thoughts that create it. Now, in A Thousand Names for Joy, she encourages us to discover the freedom that lives on the other side of inquiry.
Stephen Mitchell–the renowned translator of the Tao Te Ching–selected provocative excerpts from that ancient text as a stimulus for Katie to talk about the most essential issues that face us all: life and death, good and evil, love, work, and fulfillment. With her stories of total ease in all circumstances, Katie does more than describe the awakened mind; she lets you see it, feel it, in action.
You can find a link to the book here
My task for you is to envision for yourself your highest possibility. What is that?
Write down the results of your vision in bullet points.
Read any one of these books and review your vision and upgrade and update it with the new perspectives.
When I did this with the book on death I discovered that I had missed out on the potential for me to help others by being open to communication with the departed. Those shifts from ignoring that dimension of myself to opening to it have allowed even more grace and bliss to flow into my being. There have been no revelations yet, visits from ghosts etc. but the potential is now there, and that openness allows even greater freedom.
Thanks for this opportunity for me to share the insights from Spiritual Life Coaching with you.
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