Meditation Increases Compassion

“Our research suggests that mindfulness’s most profound benefit may not be the one that’s most often touted—adapting to a stressful, competitive, even unkind 24/7 world. Instead, meditation might fundamentally alter how we treat those around us. Corporations, physicians, and policy-makers who now push mindfulness as a technique for self-enhancement and physical wellbeing would do well to focus more on its potential for preventing everything from bullying to domestic violence to callousness and indifference.Researchers confirm what the ancients intuited – psychologist David DeSteno, director of Northeastern University’s Social Emotions Lab, reports on his team’s study in which mindfulness meditation increased compassion threefold.
De Steno has previously studied the psychology of trust and the osmosis of good and evil in each of us.
I am also adding in a video here on a new course that I have developed. I think it is amazing and would love for the whole world to take it.