“Unfuckwithable’s” amazing expansiveness

How the word Unfuckablewith is access to an amazing expansiveness
Vishan Lakhiani, is the founder of Mindvalley, the leading edge company that is powering a revolution in education. In his new book “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” he writes about the extraordinary space of “unfuckablewith”, where we can be undisturbed and calm even when mayhem is happening around us.
Vishan explains how he came across this term while experimenting with the relationship between brain activity, emotions and meditation. As he cleared out emotional patterns, he discovered he became more and more present. When he came across the term unfuckablewith”, he realized the clarity within him was reaching that level.
I want to share some of my beautiful emotional experiences of “Unfuckablewith”, to encourage you to keep on expanding your consciousness and experiencing deeper levels of the inner space Vishan speaks about.
What “Unfuckablewith” has led to in my life is a shift for an expansion of love and oneness even in times when I come across a situation that tries to “fuckwithme”.
I am not talking about me weathering a storm that is trying to “fuckwithme”. No, not at all. It is about the storm triggering a greater experience of bliss, ecstasy, and love for all. Call it compassion, call it unconditional love for the strife that humanity experiences.
- Walking down a road at night in Los Angeles. A car comes from behind, knocks me over. It’s a hit and run. Blood gushes from my arm. I stagger to my feet. The first thought that comes to me is “For that driver to hit me and then keep on going, he/she must be in terrible pain”. I feel waves of compassion running through my body. I bless them, with tears of bliss and joy running down my cheeks.
- Crossing a foreign border, I was mistaken as a criminal and handcuffed, strip searched and thrown in prison. I was told that I would be held for 3 months and then deported to Canada as I am Canadian. There was no food for me for 24 hours. I fell into bliss and had the most amazing meditations.
3.There was closed circuit TV in the prison. Every few hours a guard would come and call me out of the cell to speak to them. Once out of the cell, the guard would say “I see you meditating in there and you look so peaceful, can you tell me more about it?” After 24 hours a supervisor appeared and discovered that in fact my paperwork was correct and that they had held me in error.The experience of being in prison and the space I fell into was the highlight of several months. What could have been 24 hours of mental anguish turned out to be another joyful life experience.
4. While in India, my left leg became infected with necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating disease). I was informed that I may lose the leg and, if not corrected in 24 hours, my life. I was rushed to the hospital and operated on. As the emergency developed, an ever increasing joy of the moment kept building up. All I could do was express love and gratitude to all the doctors and nurses, whether they were going to save me or not!
5. I was working on a project of great importance to me. We were a renovating building and had a very short time to do it. I found that my need for sleep dropped to 2 hours a night and I would wake up with total alertness. After about 2 weeks of 22-hour days, a colleague and I had to take all the building material waste, several tons of it, to the industrial recycling center. It was 102 degrees and windy. Dust was flying everywhere. As we shoveled concrete from the truck, our sweaty faces black with the dust, the two of us stopped, looked at each other and could not stop laughing in joy at the beauty of life.
Now the information:
As you very well can see from the stories above, I live a life of bliss in all circumstances, and have taught thousands of people to live the same way. There are two ways I can help you live in this same state. 1. My online course, 2, My personal coaching
I have developed an online course called Increase Bliss that is unique in many ways:
- I offer daily individual consultation as part of the course.
- Each day, 2 reminders about the actions for the course arrive via text message.
- Each day, the participants fill in a simple progress report that I then read, comment on, and make suggestions about.
The cost of the course is $299.
What makes Increase Bliss unique?
- My real life stories are powerful
- My background is compelling:
- First person in the world to lead expeditions to the three extremes: Mt Everest, North Pole and South Pole.
- Created a global youth project that motivated over 60 million young people to take action for the environment.
- Taught enlightenment skills to monks in India over a 7-year period.
- Created the first commercial airline in Antarctica.
- The offer is of very high value. It combines all the best teaching about intention, visualization, brain development, meditation and healing with a wonderful follow up system to ensure that people shift their consciousness. The course has been tested with life coaches, entrepreneurs, homemakers, yoga teachers, who all found it very valuable. I don’t want to swamp you with testimonials! Harv Eker said I was the best human potential and adventure speaker he ever had at his Wealth And Wisdom courses.
- I challenge you to find a greater goal than to live in ever increasing bliss, for the rest of your life.
2. My personal coaching is available through my web site www.EnlighteningAdventures.com or you can contact me at dheera.la@gmail.com
To find the great book by Vishan, which has many useful tools and tips, go to this link
You can watch me speak about Unfuckwithable in this video.